Buone prassi e casi studio:
- PLOTINA project
- EC – L’impatto di sesso e di genere nella pandemia da covid-19: case study
- Esempi di Gender Innovation Projects
- La CE e l’uguaglianza di genere nella R&I
- EIGE – European Institute for Gender Equality, il gender mainstreaming e il toolkit GEAR
- Ljubljana Declaration - Gender Equality in Research and Innovation
Infografiche, report e factsheet:
- (EC) Infographic: closing gender gaps in research and innovation
- (EC) Publication: SHE FIGURES 2021
- (EC) Publication: Gendered innovations - How gender analysis contributes to research: report of the expert group 'Innovation through gender'
- (EC) Publication: GENDERED INNOVATIONS 2: How Inclusive Analysis Contributes to Research and Innovation
- (EC) Factsheet: How inclusive analysis contributes to research and innovation