The 7 regional maritime territories focused by BLUE_BOOST project (Zadar county; Marche, F.V.G. and Apulia regions; Western Greece and Central Macedonia regions; coastal areas of Durres, Vlora, Saranda and Shengjin in Albania) are branded by the presence of maritime (from mature/growing to emerging/just aspired) clusters with high heterogeneity of activities, tangible gap in communication and interaction among their 4 strands and poor attitude to interclustering, especially at trans-sectoral level.
The proposal aims at unlocking and boosting the potential of knowledge/technology transfer, transnational and cross-sectoral cooperation of key innovation actors of traditional (primarily fisheries and ship-building) and emerging (primarily Blue technologies-including aquaculture- green shipbuilding, robotics and new materials) Blue Growth sectors by reinforcing the relationships and interactions within and among their clusters according to an open source, knowledge sharing and community based approach. The main change sought is to improve the basic conditions for bridging the gap between the 3 helixes of the focused maritime clusters between research/SMEs, users/SMEs, etc. thanks to the collaboration with the NEW innovation agents such as fablabs, co-working spaces, makerspaces, innovation hubs, living labs, techshops, etc. Due to such renewed flexibility, this enhanced 3 helixes approach can be naturally adopted in transnational actions for stimulation and guidance, funding (BLUE_BOOST transnational blue innovation voucher scheme) and networking of innovation (BLUE_BOOST transnational innovation networking strategy and joint action plan) in order to explore possible sectoral cross-fertilizations, new ideas or expertise, new alliances and networking between individuals, communities, enterprises, organizations, institutions of the Blue Economy which deserves to be better supported, being it an economic driver and a potential generator of development and jobs.
Start Date: Gennaio 2018 – Ottobre 2019
Info at: http://www.adrioninterreg.eu/