Mathematical Logic: models, sets, computability

Contemporary research in mathematical logic shows increasing interactions between Model Theory (MT), Set Theory (ST), and Computability Theory (CT), guided by inner developments which progressively found applications to larger and larger areas of mathematics. Problems originating from MT lead naturally to ST and CT questions, while the forcing method, originally developed within ST, and the tecniques of descriptive set theory find applications in MT and CT. Our project is inserted in this general setting.

Engineering coherent transport of atoms and electrons in layered structures

The central goal of this project is to identify the mechanisms behind decoherence of quasiparticle transport in layered materials and to devise successful strategies for preserving and harnessing quantum many-body correlations in real devices. We will establish a collaborative effort involving two of the most prominent platforms for quantum transport: ultracold quantum gases in optical lattices and transition-metal oxide heterostructures.

Coarse-grained description for non-equilibrium systems and transport phenomena

In the last decades, statistical mechanics pushed its frontiers to encompass systems which fall outside the standard equilibrium framework. Paradigmatic examples are non-equilibrium systems such as granular and active matter for which, either due to dissipative interactions or as a consequence of "self-driven motility", even basic thermodynamic quantities, such as temperature and pressure, are not well defined.

Methane recovery and carbon dioxide disposal in natural gas hydrate reservoirs

Clathrate hydrates are crystalline structures where water molecule cages host gas molecules. Natural deposits of methane hydrates are mainly found at the margins of the continental platforms, where the formation is favored by the presence of organic material and the appropriate pressure and temperature conditions. Natural gas hydrates (NGH) constitute the largest reservoir of natural gas on the planet.

Time scales of solidification in magmas: Applications to Volcanic Eruptions, Silicate Melts, Glasses, Glass-Ceramics

We focus on volcanic solidification processes of silicate systems. We quantify vesicularity, texture and crystal-chemistry of minerals of key pyroclasts and lavas from well constrained eruptions of Etna and Stromboli. Phenocrysts (ph) and bubbles grown into reservoirs at constant P and T will be discriminated from micro-phenocrysts (mph) and microlites (mic) solidified during magma ascent (P varying) and after eruption (T varying).

Novel approach for time-dependent seismic hazard analysis and earthquake damage scenarios

The present project proposes an innovative, integrated, multidisciplinary study aimed at defining an innovative time-dependent seismic hazard assessment protocol, fundamental for the implementation of advanced and integrated strategy on seismic risk reduction and disaster management. This can lead to define structural design rules to ensure target safety levels considering time-dependent hazard models for short- and long-term time scales.