Opportunità di finanziamento su bandi competitivi di enti finanziatori europei e internazionali.

The Remote-controlled Assembly Process

The project aims to design a digital workflow supported by 3D printing technologies, 5G infrastructure and augmented reality technologies. Its main goal is assembling, on the building site, 3d printed prefab elements enabling seamless communication between the assembly/disassembly place and a remote design/production place. The UNICAM task is: to design a facade system made of 3D printed components and to develop integration between a BIM model of the system and the 3Dconcrete Printing process.

Climate RESiliEnt COastal planning in Adriatic

This Project is aiming to provide particular knowledge on spatial planning and science for policies, practical knowledge and tools for the Adriatic local and regional communities wanting to plan resilience on climate change and improve their adaptation capacity. Better prepared cities and regions will increase the safety of their citizens and the resilience of their territory, assets and ecosystems.

Meta-coatings for optical breakdown Mitigation

Optical trains exploited in the various applications using the high power continuous wave lasers suffer severely from the damages due to the extremely high and non-homogeneous energy density distribution. In present project, the possibility of exploiting novel Transition metal oxide functionalized materials and meta-structures to mitigate the breakdown phenomena in these components will be investigated.

MULTI-faceted CLIMate adaptation ACTions to improve resilience, preparedness and responsiveness of the built environment against multiple hazards at multiple scales

Il progetto MULTICLIMACT mira a sviluppare un quadro integrato e uno strumento per supportare le parti interessate pubbliche e i cittadini a valutare la resilienza del sistema l’ambiente costruito e i suoi abitanti a più scale (edifici, aree urbane, territori) rispetto a fattori naturali e climatici di rilevanza locale rischi e catene di approvvigionamento, nonché supportarli nel migliorare la loro preparazione e reattività durante tutto il loro ciclo di vita.