Meta-coatings for optical breakdown Mitigation

Optical trains exploited in the various applications using the high power continuous wave lasers suffer severely from the damages due to the extremely high and non-homogeneous energy density distribution. In present project, the possibility of exploiting novel Transition metal oxide functionalized materials and meta-structures to mitigate the breakdown phenomena in these components will be investigated.

Identification of a molecular scaffold for the development of a PET tracer for purinergic P2X7 receptor for molecular imaging of neuroinflammation in PD

Neuroinflammation plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of neurodegeneration in Parkinson's
Disease (PD) through the upregulation of proinflammatory factors and microglia activation. The
purinergic P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) is among the targets actively investigated as PET biomarkers of
neuroinflammation because of its crucial role in microglia activation and expression associated with
the M1 proinflammatory activation phenotype. Several potential P2X7R PET radioligands have been

Sea Waste from Adriatic to Enhance Marine Composites

The project aims at developing an innovative class of marine composites with a significantly reduced environmental impact. These new eco-materials will be created and used for boatbuilding, especially in the production of hulls or other structural parts of little boats (<10mt). Many research groups have been working for years with the scope to replace traditional materials, fiberglass as first. However, the present work has an important uniqueness: the new material will emerge from an unconventional use of sea waste.

The role of PKCd in Opioid Use Disorders

Questo progetto riguarda lo studio del ruolo dell´amigdala centrale ed il gene PKCD nell´uso compulsivo dell´eroina. Per la realizzazione di questo progetto lè stata importata dalla Svezia una linea di ratti transgenici "Prkcd Cre Knock in" presso lo stabulario della Scuola del Farmaco, dove il gene PKCD verra´ manipolato attraverso degli approcci virali per testarne il suo ruolo in un modello preclinico di consumo compulsivo di eroina.


Il progetto è volto a consolidare le competenze di programmazione e le skills sempre più necessarie in ambito informatico. In qualità di speaker e tutor della scuola, parteciperanno docenti di livello internazionale riconosciuti come esperti dalla comunità scientifica. La fruizione del corso sarà supportata da un laboratorio dedicato, così che i partecipanti alla scuola possano sviluppare conoscenze e competenze anche pratiche, lavorando sia individualmente che in gruppo su 30 postazioni.