MULTI-faceted CLIMate adaptation ACTions to improve resilience, preparedness and responsiveness of the built environment against multiple hazards at multiple scales

Il progetto MULTICLIMACT mira a sviluppare un quadro integrato e uno strumento per supportare le parti interessate pubbliche e i cittadini a valutare la resilienza del sistema l’ambiente costruito e i suoi abitanti a più scale (edifici, aree urbane, territori) rispetto a fattori naturali e climatici di rilevanza locale rischi e catene di approvvigionamento, nonché supportarli nel migliorare la loro preparazione e reattività durante tutto il loro ciclo di vita.

Bringing Excellence to Transformative Socially Engaged Research in Life Sciences through Integrated Digital Centers

The project “Bringing Excellence to Transformative Engaged Research in Life Sciences through Integrated Digital Centres - BETTER Life” will establish a European Digital Centre of Excellence for fostering Socially Engaged Research (SER) in Life Sciences, as well as seven regional centres operating in their surrounding ecosystems.

European Spectroscopy Laboratory to model the materials of the future

The roadmap of the European Materials Modelling Council has identified a strong need in European industries for materials modelling, especially on the atomic, molecular and quantum level. A key bottleneck is the lack of scientists that can translate industrial problems into modelling strategies, to carry out simulations with the right tools, or to derive results of practical engineering value.

Open science technologies Acceleration for a new generation of Student entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainable development

OASIS is an initiative of 4xHEIs, 1xResearch Center, 1xpan-EU Network of Institutions and
2xEnterprises. It aims to develop and share support capabilities in the area of OPEN SCIENCE (OS)
driving EU􀂶s digital transformation and sustainable development. The project is about facilitating the
adoption of OS technologies in education through practical applications, training and mentoring
activities for managing real educational & labour oriented problems with a view to increase openness