Anti-obesity effect of selected and new ginsenosides from roots of Panax ginseng

The main objective of the project, carried out in collaboration with institutions located in PRC and Spain, is to study the anti-obesity activity of Panax ginseng roots coming from Jilin province by testing the Ginseng Extracts (GEs) (phytocomplex), Ginseng isolated molecules (GIMs), new Ginsenosides derivatives (GDs) by in vitro and in vivo experiments.

Plasticity of human gut microbiota in environmental/dietary changes due to mobility from China to Italy, with functional investigations

The aims of the project, carried out in collaboration with institutions located in PRC, are: 1) to investigate the plasticity/adaptation of the gut microbiota in healthy young people during geographical changes, in order to discover microbiota modulations by a drastic change of circadian clock, diet, and environment; 2) to characterize novel probiotics, i. e. novel bacterial and yeast strains with probiotic properties.