Titolo Scadenza
"Steel-based applications in earthquake-prone areas" - STEEL-EARTH 31/12/2015
Monitoring of Animals for FeedRelated Risks in the Long Term - MARLON 31/07/2015
Active GRAPHene based food packaging systems for a modern society - GRAFOOD 30/06/2020
Active Monitoring of Cancer As An Alternative To Surgery - CAST 31/10/2024
Advanced bioinformatics for genome and metagenome analyses and discovery of novel biocatalists from extremophiles: implications for improving industrial bioprocesses - METABLE 30/11/2018
Advanced training on sustainable management of pastoral systems - TranSuMan 02/01/2024
Advancing Resilience of Historic Areas against Climate-related and other Hazards - ARCH 31/05/2022
AGRICOLTURA BIOLOGICA: Valutazione di biopesticidi ottenuti da prodotti di scarto della canapa e valutazione della tossicità per l’operatore - BIOCANAPA 01/05/2021
An Integrated European Model to Protect MEDiterranean Forests from Fire - Protect
Anti-obesity effect of selected and new ginsenosides from roots of Panax ginseng 30/06/2022
Assegni di Ricerca POR Marche FSE 2014/2020 31/12/2022
Block chain Isotopic Origin: CER.tificazione e Tracciabilità sull’Origine biologica dei prodotti - BIOCERTO 01/02/2022
Blue Energy in ports and coastal urban areas - COASTENERGY 30/06/2021
Boosting sleep to promote myelination 03/11/2021
BOOSTing the innovation potential of the quadruple helix of Adriatic-Ionian traditional and emerging BLUE growth sectors clusters through an open source/knowledge sharing and community based approach - BLUE_BOOST 31/10/2019
Cavity Quantum Optomechanics - cQOM 31/05/2016
Characterisation Of A Green Microenvironment And To Study Its Impact Upon Health and Well-Being in The Elderly As A Way Forward For Health Tourism - CHARMED 31/12/2021
Chronic sleep restriction and substance abuse during adolescence: effects on synapses, neuroinflammation and behavior - SLEEPADo 30/11/2023
Climate change, cities, communities and Equity in health - Cli- CC.HE 02/01/2024
Coarse-grained description for non-equilibrium systems and transport phenomena - CO-NEST 19/02/2023
Combined targeting of TSPO/CK1delta/GSK3beta/Fyn for effective control of neuroinflammation: a chemical biology approach 28/02/2023
Contribution of mosquito microbiota to insecticide resistance in major malaria vectors in Cameroon - Mortimer 25/10/2023
Coordinated Wetland management in Italy-Croatia cross border region - CREW 30/05/2021
Correlated Noise Errors in Quantum Information Processing - CORNER 31/01/2012
Designing Spatially Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems under Uncertainty - SEDUCE 28/02/2023
Domanda n. 42843 01/08/2019
Dynamics and timescales of volcanic plumbing systems: a multidisciplinary approach to a multifaceted problem 17/02/2025
E-training on EU Family Property regimes - EU-FamPro 31/10/2023
Early life social experiences and dysregulation of the brain reward system: The role of endocannabinoid transmission 28/02/2023
ECO innovative methodologies for the valorisation of construction and urban waste into high grade TILES - ECOTILES 28/02/2018
ECOSEE/A - ECOSEE/A 01/10/2015
Empowering the 4 helix of MED maritime clusters through an open source/knowledge sharing and community-based approach in favor of MED blue growth - 4helix+ 31/07/2020
Enabling Consumer to become Prosumer in the Energy transition era - ECPE 01/07/2022
Engineering coherent transport of atoms and electrons in layered structures - CEnTraL 28/02/2023
Engineering meta materials and material structure for high power RF devices - eMMAT 01/03/2025
Enhancing Career and Service Learning in Higher Education - ENHANCE 30/11/2023
Enhancing sleep to delay the progression of tauopathy - Delay Tauopathy 28/02/2023
Estrazione e purificazione del cannabidiolo dalla canapa industriale per il miglioramento della redditività della coltura - CANAPA REVOLUTION 07/08/2023
Estrazione e riutilizzo di Indio e Stagno da ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) impiegato nella fabbricazione di RAEE con tecnologia LCD o LED 01/10/2017
Fine tune of cellular behavior: multifunctional materials for medical implants - Bio-TUNE 31/12/2024
Fluidware: a Novel Approach for Large-Scale IoT Systems 28/02/2023
haMMurabi - Monococco Marche: dal campo alla tavola, alla riscoperta di un cerale antico, adatto ad un’agricoltura sostenibile e ricco di proprietà nutritive - haMMurabi 01/05/2021
Hybrid Optomechanical Technologies - HOT 31/12/2020
Identification of a molecular scaffold for the development of a PET tracer for purinergic P2X7 receptor for molecular imaging of neuroinflammation in PD - P2X7FORPET 31/08/2024
Image-Guided Surgery (IGS) and Personalised Postoperative Immunotherapy To Improving Cancer Outcome - ISPIC 31/12/2019
Imaging and Therapy of Chronic Pain in the Dorsal Root Ganglia (DRG) - PIANO 28/02/2025
Imballaggi Innovativi per le carni fresche - IMBICAF 13/12/2019
Innovative Hybrid and composite steel-concrete structural solutions for buildings in seismic area - INNO-HYCO 30/06/2013
Innovative steel- concrete Hybrid Coupled walls for buildings in seismic areas: Advancements and Design guidelines - HYCAD 31/12/2023
Innovative targeted therapy of glioblastomas based on new higly potent and selective dopamine D4 receptor antagonists - INTHERGLICAM 01/07/2022
Interfacing Quantum Optical, Electrical, and Mechanical Systems - iQUOEMS 31/12/2016
Joining innovative Approaches for the integration and Development of transnational knowledge of clusters policies related to independent of Elderly - JADE 31/01/2014
Joint strategies for Climate Change Adaptation in coastal areas - Joint_SECAP 30/06/2021
Laboratorio di ricerca applicata delle Marche per compositi innovativi - MARLIC 01/01/2023
Landslide risk assessment model for disaster prevention and mitigation - LANDSLIDE
Large Scale Choreographies for the Future Internet - CHOReOS 30/09/2013
Launch Test of Natural Biocides for the Control of Insect Borne Diseases - LaunTeNaBio 30/09/2020
LEarning And Decision making Resource - LE.A.DE.R. 31/12/2022
Linking Networks of protected areas to territorial development - LinkPAs 06/07/2019
L’economia circolare per la competitività delle filiere del Made in Italy- GIOTTO - GIOTTO 31/12/2020
Malaria Transmission Blocking by Vaccines, Drugs and Immune Mosquitoes: Efficacy Assessment and Targets - TransMalariaBloc 31/05/2013
MAnagement and DEvelopment of INLANDs - MADE IN-LAND 30/06/2021
Marche Innovation and Research Facilities - MIRACLE 19/12/2022
Mathematical Logic: models, sets, computability 18/02/2023
Methane recovery and carbon dioxide disposal in natural gas hydrate reservoirs 15/03/2023
Methods and Tools for Trustworthy Smart Systems - IT MATTERS 28/02/2023
Micro-and Nano-Optomechanical Systems for ICT and QIPC - MINOS 31/12/2011
Microbial competition in mosquito vectors: a tool for disease control - MICENE 01/07/2022
Model-Based Social Learning for Public Administrations - Learn PAd 31/10/2016
Modulating synaptic neurotransmission to reactivate the immune reaction against brain tumors 06/02/2025
Modulation of A2A adenosine receptors as a neuroprotective strategy in Parkinson’s Disease - MANTRA 01/07/2022
Nanomaterials for an environmentally friendly and sustainable handling of perishable products - NANO4FRESH 31/05/2024
Nanoscale energy management for powering ICT devices - NANOPOWER 31/07/2013
Novel Applications in 19F Magnetic Resonance Imaging - NOVA-MRI 29/02/2024
Novel approach for time-dependent seismic hazard analysis and earthquake damage scenarios - Nohard 01/07/2022
Open science technologies Acceleration for a new generation of Student entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainable development - OASIS 01/06/2024
Optomechanical Technologies - OMT 30/09/2020
Paesaggi resilienti - RE-LAND 31/12/2021
Paleontology within an Integrated Stratigraphic COntext: Unraveling the evolutionary patterns of marine vertebrates in the extraordinarily productive fossil scenario of the Eo-Miocene strata of the Pisco Basin - P.I.S.CO 01/07/2022
Personalised Postoperative Immunotherapy To Improving Cancer Outcome and improving quality of life - CANCER 31/08/2023
Personalised Postoperative Immunotherapy To Improving Cancer Outcome and improving quality of life - CANCER 28/02/2022
Personalized Solution in European Family and Succession Law - PSEFS 31/10/2020
Physiological neuronal activity in the control of glioma progression and tumor microenvironment 28/02/2023
Piattaforma ricerca collaborativa - Biobank 22/11/2022
PLAN.T.S. 2.0 - towards a renaissance of PLANt Taxonomy and Systematics 29/10/2023
Plasticity of human gut microbiota in environmental/dietary changes due to mobility from China to Italy, with functional investigations 30/06/2022
Prefabricated steel structures for low-rise buildings in seismic areas - PRECASTEEL 31/12/2010
PREventive PLANning for disaster resilient territories - PRE-PLAN 01/07/2022
Proactive monitoring of cancer as an alternative to surgery - PRISAR2 31/03/2024
Progetto RIN_22_12_2017_196 - BIOPAINT 01/09/2019
Python@camerino - Python@camerino 18/01/2020
Quantum Observers in a Relativistic World - QORW 30/08/2018
Quantum readout techniques and technologies - QUARTET 30/04/2023
Research capacity for the implementation of genetic control of mosquitoes - INFRAVEC 28/02/2014
Risorsa ittica, azioni innovative per il recupero, l'identificazione, la conservazione ed il restocking 15/04/2021
Rocking to enhance sleep and delay the progression of tauopathy 30/09/2021
Role of Autophagy and mitophagy in cellular DIfferentiation: Unveiling molecular regulations and novel biomedical Strategies - RADIUS 16/06/2023
S.A.F.E. Sustainable Design of Anti-seismic furniture as smart-life saving systems during an earthquake - S.A.F.E. 01/06/2020
Safeguard and valorization of the plant species of EU interest in the Natural Parks of the Abruzzo Apennine - FLORANET LIFE 30/09/2020
Sleep and emotional dysregulation: enduring effects of chronic sleep loss in adolescence - SleepEmo 31/10/2022
Sleep and emotional dysregulation: enduring effects of chronic sleep loss in adolescence 01/04/2022
Stable Interfaces for Rechargeable Batteries - SIRBATT 31/08/2016
Strategy for the Natura 2000 Network of the Umbria Region - SUN LIFE 30/09/2017
Student’s academic performance: a machine learning approach for risk assessment and dropout prevention - STAR.APP 28/02/2023
Study and optimization of cold atmospheric plasma treatment for food safety and quality improvement - PLASMAFOOD 28/02/2023
Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Sensitive Areas of the Alps and the Carpathians - ACCESS2MOUNTAIN 30/04/2014
Talking HANDS: from a prototype to an effective and usable device - T-HANDS 01/07/2022
TENACITY 30/11/2023
The African turquoise killifish Nothobranchius furzeri: a new model of a diet-induced obesity - KILLOB 01/07/2022
The role of PKCd in Opioid Use Disorders - PKCD_OPIOID 01/11/2023
Time scales of solidification in magmas: Applications to Volcanic Eruptions, Silicate Melts, Glasses, Glass-Ceramics 03/05/2023
Topology driven methods for complex systems - TOPDRIM 31/12/2015
Transferring Coastal Integrated governance for sustainable tourism - COASTING + 03/06/2022
Understanding and targeting the extracellular NADome in inflammation 28/02/2023
Universal microarrays for the evaluation of fresh-water quality based on detection of pathogens and their toxins - μAQUA 30/11/2014
Universitas per la Giustizia. Programma per la qualità del sistema giustizia e per l'effettività del giusto processo - Uni4Justice 01/09/2023
Unlocking Sustainable Technologies Through Nature-Inspired Solvents - NATUREChem 29/04/2023
Unlocking the potential of microalgae for the valorisation of brewery waste products into omega-3 rich animal feed and fertilisers - AlgaeBrew 01/01/2025
Valutazione degli asset urbani e della comunità per la resilienza delle comunità - VAU.TE.RE.CO. 01/09/2022
Yeast symbionts of malaria vectors: from basic research to the management of malaria control - SymbioVec 31/05/2017
yieLding added valuE to Apennine Forest resources - LEAF 01/07/2022
“Smart Urban Green: Governing conflicting perspectives on transformations in the urban rural continuum” - SMART-U-GREEN 28/02/2020